Gravitational entropy and curvature invariants

This project focuses on understanding the Weyl curvature hypothesis, which uses the notion of gravitational entropy to account for structure formations and anisotropies in the universe, referring to an increasing entropy. Since this must reflect the familiar Hawking-Bekenstein entropy formula in the case of non-charged black holes, it is necessary to look at cases where this proposal seems rather "ad hoc", such as the case of extremal ReissnerNordstrom cases as shown by Edery and Constantineu. Also, the Weyl curvature for a de Sitter spacetime is zero, but the gravitational entropy proposal cannot allow zero entropy owing to the Gibbons-Hawking entropy. A comparison between the entropy density variations between the Clifton, Ellis and Tavakol and Rudjord method is also necessary in the case of wormhole solutions.

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